
Tamilnadu State Council of Vocational Training (TNSCVT)

Tamilnadu State Council of Vocational Training (TNSCVT) is an ISO 9001:2015 Certified Council and approved by International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), Norway, Oslo (A Quasi-Government Organisation). TNSCVT has been approved by Directorate General of Employment and Training, New Delhi for registration of Certificates in Employment Exchanges throughout India.

The Indian youth are facing serious problems of unemployment and underemployment. This is due to the phenomenal rise in population and lack of proper infrastructural facilities to provide good quality education which will earn them a good living. Although Government is taking massive efforts to improve the scenario, still majority of the population is not able to get basic infrastructural facilities for their career development. Keeping this in the mind, Tamilnadu State Council of Vocational Training has designed courses carefully taking into account the actual need of the students and the applicability of the subject knowledge in the jobs they are going to undertake in the immediate future.

At TNSCVT, Vocational education is imparted through Vocational Training Centres that prepares people for a specific trade. It directly develops expertise in techniques related to technology, skill and scientific technique to span all aspects of the trade. Vocational education is classified as using procedural knowledge. Vocational Education prepares people for specific trades, crafts and careers at various levels from a trade, a craft, technician, or a high professional practitioner position in careers such as Engineering, Accountancy, Nursing, Alternative Medicine, Architecture, Fire & Safety etc. Craft vocations are usually based on manual or practical activities and are traditionally non-academic but related to a specific trade, occupation.

TNSCVT imparts Vocational education at the Elementary, Secondary, Post-secondary level which can interact with the Internship / Apprenticeship system.

TNSCVT works for maintenance of standards in the courses and procedures it has introduced thus far. TNSCVT has introduced better quality system for sustenance.

The Quality System is,

Multifaceted –TNSCVT uses multifaceted system for quality, and will often consider strategy, policy, infrastructure, processes, outputs and more so as to come to a well-rounded view of holistic quality.

Dynamic – TNSCVT follows the policy of flexibility which is built in to systems, to accommodate for rapid-changes in technology, as well as social norms.

Mainstream-Oriented – TNSCVT develops courses and syllabus which is very much necessary for the industry and its relevance to the industry is checked.

Representative – TNSCVT uses quality systems which seek to balance the perspectives and demands of various interested stakeholders, including students, staff, enterprises, government and society at large

Multifunctional – TNSCVT uses a multifunctional system of instilling a quality culture within an institution, providing a roadmap for future improvement, as well as serving as a label of quality.


TNSCVT - SKILL DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED -2013 Powered by Website Vendum.com - Chennai City.in

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