- Tamilnadu State Council of Vocational Training Examination is conducted twice in a year. The Two Sessions are Academic and Calendar Session. Academic Session Exams are usually conducted in May and Calendar Session Exams are usually conducted in November every year.
- The Notification regarding Examination is issued via Letters, SMS, Mail and Website. The Enrolment Last Date is also given in the Notification.
- Preparations of Question Papers are done by well qualified staff members with the help of syllabus.
- Time Table is created and informed t to all Study Centres
- Hall Ticket Dispatched to the respective Vocational Training Centres.
- Dispatch of Question Papers, Answer Booklets and Attendance Sheets to the respective Vocational Training Centres
- Conducting of Exam at the Institution mentioned in the Hall ticket as per the Rules and Regulations of TNSCVT
- Collect the Answer Sheets and Internship form from each Vocational Training Centre and send them for evaluation
- The Answer Booklets will be corrected by well qualified staff members.
- The valuation will be done strictly and marks will be awarded only on merit basis.
- Once the result is made ready, it is ensured to be available in the tnscvt.ac.in website.
- The result will be made available as hard copy published in the Notice Board in 45 days from the date of completion of examination.The passed candidates’ results are passed on to the Certification Department
- The students who score a minimum of 35 marks will be declared as “PASSED”. The students who score below 35 marks will be declared as “FAILED” and will have to reappear for examination in the next Session.
- (i) The students who score marks from 35-49 Marks will be awarded Third Class
(ii) The students who score marks from 50-59 Marks will be awarded Second Class
(iii) The students who score > 60 Marks will be awarded First Class